
I love sharing my thoughts with you.


This started as something to kill time and eventually enjoyed it. You’ll be seeing and reading anything random from my travels, my artsy side and to my being a food fanatic.

Born on the 22nd of May 1987. A gemini so am a bit everywhere, sometimes loud and crazy and at times an introvert. Finished my elementary years at Holy Rosary School of Pardo, my middle school years at Philippines Christian Gospel School and tertiary at Cebu Doctors College/Benedicto College as a Nursing student. I did not pursue my nursing career coz I have always wanted to be in Tourism or Architecture.

Working career is also chaotic. Became an ESL (English as Second Language) teacher, a Call Center Agent, Barista and currently an Appraiser.

I am totally into Hello Kitty so 50% of my stuff are Hello Kitty. A bit artsy and anything that strikes my curiously, I would learn it.

Into specialty coffee as well, would love to try different local shops in Cebu if you guys could suggest and maybe international when I could travel.

So am really not  a professional blogger, I would be glad for some grammatical comments and some love.

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